Interview with Claudia, Human Resources Technician

Claudia has worked as a human resources technician in a call centre employing 600 agents for a year now. Her company provides customer service and technical support in the telecommunications field.

In charge of recruiting and organizing training, Claudia is a front-line worker. “What I like about this job is having a snapshot in real time of the job market, she explains. “The call centre field is very competitive in Montreal, and succeeding in attracting high-quality employees is quite a challenge. I find it very stimulating!”

Nevertheless, Claudia acknowledges that the labour shortage she is up against every day is sometimes a bit depressing. “I am never happy to see someone that I’ve just hired a week before leave,” she states, “because in a sense, I consider these young people my ‘babies.’ I think that the current generation is increasingly less loyal to employers. Nowadays, they are ready to quit for a dollar more an hour.”

All the professionals agree that human resources management is a key function in a call centre. “It just requires good judgment,” Claudia sums up. network